Now, I don't know how all the other stay at home dads feel, but the lifestyle change that has occurred in my life has provided me many new perspectives on life. Prior to this change, if you told me that I would be taking care of my children full time I would probably laugh. To think that I would have to provide for my family in this way never would have crossed my mind. But now that I am living that life, it has changed me in ways beyond imagination.
I have grown with my children over the past few months both in ways both good and bad. The day to day challenges that have occurred make you think and ponder the way that we all grow as humans. But along with the day to day challenges that my children provide me there is also the mental component of living this lifestyle.
I think that the hardest mental challenge that I have still not over come is the realization that I am no longer providing for my family financial. This in my mind is the fact that the society we live in has grown to have the persona that the dad/man is the bread winner of a family. We can all see that the women in are lives can also be the financial provider as the working world has evolved over the last hundred years. Mentally this has been my major struggle and its not that I believe that the men in the world have to fulfill this role which has been established in our society as the norm. I am very proud and jealous that my wife has the opportunity to be in her dream job that she loves doing every single day. Prior to staying home with my children, I would do whatever job I had to, whether I enjoyed it or, hated it with a passion. As long as, my family was taken care of was and is all that matters. But, the internal urge to perform this role still effects me mentally to this day. It is something that I have to try to ignore, and focus on providing for my family in a different way.
Now, that I have experienced the life of the say at home parent, I have come to realize that not only can it be frustrating and mentally challenging, but that bond that I have got to form with my children is priceless. To have to opportunity to see my children grow in ways that were never possible before being home, is the most rewarding experience I have had in my life. I love that everyday I get to spend this amount of time with children and would not change it for the world.
I do recommend to all other working dads that if the opportunity arises that you seize it and expand the relationship with your children in ways that you would never know possible.
Please if there are any questions you have on the internal workings of the mind of a stay-at-home dad, ask. I will provide you with the best answer to the internal thoughts that make up who I have becomes since my lifestyle change. Thank you for reading, and enjoy.
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