Thursday, February 24, 2011

My Daughters Garden

For my daughters fourth birthday we had gotten her some plants to grow.  There were dwarf sunflowers, watermelon, and bean stalks.  So shortly after her birthday, she want to plant them and start her garden.  I should have taken more photos of the process and maybe it wasn't such a good idea to start so early as the bean stalks are starting to get so big that I no longer have a large enough stick for them to creep around.  The dwarf sunflowers are growing strong along with the watermelon, which at first I thought weren't going to grow as they did not sprout as quick as the others.  But all the plants are healthy and strong and she makes sure that they get sun and water that they need to grow.  We picked these up at Canadian Tire and I also did see them at the dollarama.  It was and still is a fun thing for her to do and care for, if anyone wishes to try these with there own children, you know where you can get them .

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Love for Pancakes

So my kids love pancakes and my daughter asks me to make them every morning.  I have no problem doing that as I know they will eat them all up.  Now I don't like using the pancake mix, as homemade pancakes are scrumptious.  So if anyone is interested here is my version:

1 1/2 cups of Flour
2 tsp of Baking Powder
1/2 tsp of salt
2 tbsp of sugar (optional)
Cinnamon (I never measure this, as I just do some shakes from the spice container)
Capful of vanilla (optional)
1 Egg
1 1/2 cups of Milk
2 tbsp of oil
And then if you like add your favourite fruit (Banana, Blueberry, etc)

Today we had Banana and it was delicious so enjoy my recipe which is nothing fancy but the kids love it and that is all that matters.  Enjoy.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Busy few days at home

Well yesterday the tile was started in the front entrance and bathroom on the main floor.  Thankfully my wife was home and she had taken the kids over to her cousins for the day so our cousin in law, Terry,  and I could lay the tile without any distraction.  Most of the tile is down, now today I have to do the grout.  Then under the washer and dryer and a small section in the hall can be finished.  It is looking great but has the house in shambles.  This has been a long process, as a few months ago I had laid over 700 ft of laminate hardwood by myself and I have never done tile so I had to wait until  Terry had some time to help me with the tile.  I will post some pictures of the work once it is complete and I have uploaded them to the computer.  Very excited to have the floor finished and just in time as the Mother and Father-in-law are coming next week.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Tell Me Your Thoughts

I have seen that there has been some traffic to my blog but not much interaction based on the posts so far.  So I want to create some interaction between my followers and I.  What I want you all to do is let me know your opinion or view on the idea of the Stay at home dad.  There are a lot of misconceptions and views on this subject and I just want to see the view of my followers.  So tell me what you think about this new growing trend? I am open to all opinions, views, and questions so please comment and we'll see where this subject matter will take us.

Update of my life

Over the past month, there has been a few things that have happened.  My daughter turn four years old which was not only exciting but also sad.  Just to think that four years ago was when my daughter came into our lives, is mind blowing as time flies by so fast.  She has grown into this little person who fills my day with laughter, frustration and excitement.  To watch her learn and grow since being at home is priceless and to think that this growth is the product of the day to day activities of our lives.  Also in this time my son, who still has not stopped climbing, has started to understand and learn more words. He is still very quiet compared to my daughter when she was his age, and it just shows how different there personalities are.  Both have added in my growth and understand of being a parent, and in trying  to provide routine and direction for my children.  But this experience is something that is going to benefit not only me but my children in the long run.  Now for me. Like I mentioned, I have started to take a course online, and adding this to my already busy schedule has just maybe more challenges for me to over come.  I do my best each and everyday to make sure that I accomplish all task, but what I have learned since being a stay at home dad, nothing ever goes a planned and you have to adapt to the situation that you are dealt. This is just a brief over view and will continue to literate happens as the occur.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Stay at Home Dad Theme Song

 Here is a song that I came across last night.   It is a song for all the stay at home dads out there.  Take a listen.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

To My Fellow Followers

Well, I would like to thank the people who have been peaking at my blog that I have neglected over the past month.  My life became a lot busier at the time of starting this up.  I am taking an online course, Philosophy and the Internet, and due to my course materials arriving late, I ended up having to cram 6 weeks of work into 4 weeks, while still trying to maintain the household.  Along with this new venture of school, we also became Foster's to a puppy named Cory.  She is about 3-4 months old and is just as much trouble as my son.  It is actually funny to see the similarities in them as the are both very mischievous and look around for anything and everything they can get into.  So with all of this came long days and nights with more than enough to keep me busy. So with this said, I hope you return again to share this experience with my family and I.